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特色 比較 規格

高品質 H.264 編碼器
Matrox Monarch HDX/HD 魔納盒

Matrox Monarch HDX 魔納盒

Matrox 魔納盒 Monarch HDX 是一個小型、靈活的視訊編碼裝置,專為視訊傳播與網路直播所設計。魔納盒 Monarch HDX 提供靈活的解決方案,功能強大,足以在要求嚴格的廣播級的視訊發布工作流程上,擔當重要的角色。Matrox 魔納盒 Monarch HDX 提供 3G-SDI/HDMI 輸入(具備訊框同步功能,可校正任何不連續性的輸入),並內建兩個獨立的 H.264 編碼器可分配對應不同的任務。透過 魔納盒 Monarch HDX 中的兩個編碼器,讓 魔納盒 Monarch HDX 能夠處理任何任務; 從串流到兩個不同的位址 ; 同時錄製可後製之高質量版本,並產生的預覽質量之代理檔 ; 一個編碼器發布串流,另一個編碼器負責錄製高畫質 VOD 下載視訊。無論是作為一個現場直播編碼器或視訊錄製,魔納盒 Monarch HDX 可以無縫整合到所有的 SD/HD 設備。

魔納盒 Monarch HDX 強大功能

高品質 H.264 編碼引擎

魔納盒 Monarch HDX 可以透過雙通道分享 30Mb/秒 編碼能力。每路通道都具有強大的視訊縮放、非交錯、與降噪等優點,確保只送出純淨的原始圖像進行編碼。


魔納盒 Monarch HDX 在 H.264 視訊錄製上提供了靈活運用的彈性。魔納盒 Monarch HDX 可將視訊內容擷取為 MOV 或 MP4 格式,以確保它們能在你選擇的應用程序中進行播放。你可以將錄製內容儲存在 SD 卡,USB 儲存裝置,或遠端的網路儲存設備。雙通道錄製讓使用者可同時錄製本地內容,並備份到儲存設備,這表示任何人可即時在網路上查閱檔案。而且還提供了保證,即使網路出現故障,也無損檔案。此外,每個記錄可以針對不同的需求,應用多樣化的編碼能力,做到在不同的 Bitrate 。

可選用的 HDMI/SDI 輸入和同步輸出

魔納盒 Monarch HDX 在 H.264 視訊錄製上提供了靈活運用的彈性。魔納盒 Monarch HDX 可將視訊內容擷取為 MOV 或 MP4 格式,以確保它們能在你選擇的應用程序中進行播放。你可以將錄製內容儲存在 SD 卡,USB 儲存裝置,或遠端的網路儲存設備。雙通道錄製讓使用者可同時錄製本地內容,並備份到儲存設備,這表示任何人可即時在網路上查閱檔案。而且還提供了保證,即使網路出現故障,也無損檔案。此外,每個記錄可以針對不同的需求,應用多樣化的編碼能力,做到在不同的 Bitrate 。 魔納盒 Monarch HDX 提供的 H.264 視訊錄製可以接受來自 HDMI 或 SDI 的信號來源。可透過 Web 操作界面的 Matrox 控制中心、或裝置本身選擇輸入來源,廣泛連接多樣化設備,如攝影機,交換機或是路由器。此外,兩路輸入都是內部訊框同步,可彼此互補,確保串流和錄製操作不中斷,不必擔心輸入干擾。音訊在兩路嵌入視頻信號的或類比立體聲輸入之間,也可選擇,還可以被動態設定為非靜音或靜音,不會影響視訊編碼操作。不管輸入選擇是 SDI/HDMI視訊、嵌入式或類比式,音訊輸出都是現場即時輸出。對於 SDI 工作流程,魔納盒 Monarch HDX,具有故障安全設計,內建電源不足繼電器,可提供視訊錄製極少傳輸延遲,在電源短缺時, SDI 輸入會直接導向 SDI 輸出,確保信號路徑完整性。


您可以使用任何支持 Web 標準的裝置,如 PC、NB、智慧型手機、或平板電腦,透過網路,連結 魔納盒 Monarch HDX 控制中心進行操作或設定。為了能夠讓操作者易於使用,不但主控制提供一鍵操作,按下按鍵即可開始串流傳輸、錄製。而且,從任何地方都可透過使用者界面控制 魔納盒 Monarch HDX。魔納盒 Monarch HDX 在機體的按鈕上,也提供了方便的機制,可針對錄製或串流,直接停止或開始。還有另一個額外的按鈕,可方便控制分配輸入訊號。


強大和穩固,魔納盒 Monarch HDX 提供簡潔,一鍵串流、錄製之按鈕,輸入選擇和閉鎖式電源連接 。魔納盒 Monarch HDX 的 HDMI 或 SDI 輸出,可以很容易地監控串流和錄製。所有八路的嵌入音訊可以從任何輸入傳送到任何輸出。當選定嵌入式音訊,八路的嵌入音訊即可從輸入傳送到輸出。當選擇類比音訊,音訊則與嵌入視訊一起輸出。魔納盒 Monarch HDX 的設計可以是很容易定位在桌面上,也可以置放於機架,最多兩台魔納盒 Monarch HDX 可以容納於一個 1U 的托架上。存儲和控制鈕位於方便的機體前方,而電源和I/O端口位於機體後方。最後,魔納盒 Monarch HDX 還支援 9 到 24 伏的輸入電壓範圍。它可以使用 Matrox 提供的電源或直流電源供電,如標準的現場電池。


當魔納盒 Monarch HDX作為網路直播編碼器使用時,可生成符合 RTSP/RTMP 協議的 H.264 編碼。您可以分別指定每個通道提供你的需求格式及路徑。每個通道可提供最高可達 10MB/秒 的串流,讓你可以同步發送串流到兩個目的地,或針對單一設備的目的地發送可達 20MB/秒 的串流。


您的 VOD 隨選視訊的影像品質,並不是由上傳網路頻寬決定。魔納盒 Monarch HDX 雙路編碼器在固定 Bitrate 下,發布網路串流,同時錄製母帶品質的 H.264 文件並可即可供取用,就如 VOD 或 NLE 線上編輯檔案一樣。


無論你提供直播內容到 Adobe Flash、Wowza 媒體伺服器、任何時下流行的 CDNs 系統,或電腦,魔納盒 Monarch HDX 靈活的視訊串流協議都可輕鬆達成任務。魔納盒 Monarch HDX 已取得 Wowza 原廠認證,使用者能在魔納盒和 Wowza 串流引擎整合機制中獲得極大的便利。Wowza 管理者可提供 XML憑證文件,讓魔納盒 Monarch HDX能夠輕鬆地連接到 Wowza 串流引擎。魔納盒 Monarch HDX還支援 Flash 媒體直播編碼器,可生成 XML 文件。這些文件通常是由 CDNs 提供,讓他們的客戶能夠輕鬆地連接到他們的服務。這些 XML文件都可加載到 魔納盒 Monarch HDX 使用的 Matrox 控制中心 (Web 操作界面)。

預覽 H.264 發布串流

魔納盒 Monarch HDX 直接在控制中心 UI上,提供一個非常有用的低 Bitrate 預覽。相同預覽畫面也可以使用播放軟體(如 VLC)或第三方裝置(如 Crestron 控制螢幕)。這串流提供兩路獨立預覽,可讓您在網上直播之前,確認您的視訊是否正確。


魔納盒 Monarch HDX 附帶了一些典型的串流和錄製預設,它定義了所有的編碼參數(包括解析度和 Bitrate )。不論是預設或自定參數,只需輸入一次,就會儲存為一個配置檔。配置檔不僅包含編碼參數也包含發送位址詳細資訊。如果該裝置用在不同的環境中,多個配置檔可以被儲存。每個配置文件可以即時加載,而無需重新輸入數據。

配置檔和預設 Matrox Utils 應用

Matrox Utils 應用使操作者能夠遠程掃描,可搜尋在網路上的所有 魔納盒 Monarch HDX。 Utils 應用也將掃描連接 魔納盒 Monarch HDX。如果 Utils 應用有更新,會通知操作人員,自動更新設備,確保 魔納盒 Monarch HDX 上安裝了維持最新版本。Matrox Utils 應用還可以用於重新啟動網路上的 魔納盒 Monarch HDX 。

魔納盒 Monarch HDX/HD 功能介紹

碩方的「魔納盒 Matrox Monarch HDX/HD」是一個體積小並且很容易使用的影音串流以及錄影的裝置,其針對專業影片製作人而設計,用於現場影音編碼網路串流直播,並且同時可錄製 Master 母版高品質影片檔,以利後製編輯。「魔納盒」此一設備,將錄影事項與串流事項,在內部作了個別處理,因而能確保當你在關心歸檔影片品質的同時,影音串流傳遞則專注於傳給觀眾高品質視訊。不管從任何 HDMI 輸入來源,例如:從攝影機或是導播影音切換台、等等,碩方的「魔納盒」則會依照 RTSP 或 RTMP 協定,產生 H.264 影片編碼串流。在影音編碼速率合乎網路串流頻寬的同時,它居然可以同時錄製高品質的 MP4 影片檔案到 SD 記憶卡或是記錄到 USB 硬碟或甚至是到網路磁碟。並且,您可以使用任何電腦或有網頁瀏覽器的行動裝置,對碩方的「魔納盒」作遠端控制設定。


如果一個活動事情值得作串流直播,往往它也就值得盡可能以最高品質方式錄製下來。錄下來的品質越好,則其後製產出的影片價值也會相對越高。這些影片資產可以快速轉化為 VOD 隨選視訊,提供給你的受眾點選,或再經過精心後製編輯,產出精采絕倫的影片。錄影的品質理應不要受到上傳頻寬的限制。「魔納盒」可讓您設定錄影的速率品質高達 30 Mbps,而且同時可以採用高到 20Mbps 的品質來進行影音串流!不管輸入來源的影音品質以及要傳送出去得目標速率如何,「魔納盒」都會盡可能將高品質影音資料注入到每一個位元。因為其內建 H.264 編碼器,並結合了Matrox 高品質 Deinterlacing 去間插掃描以及畫面縮放引擎等技術,因此確保了產出結果必定最佳化。

適合編輯與以及上傳的 MP4 格式

碩方的「魔納盒」採高品質的 H.264 規範,將影片錄製為 MP4 檔案,他提供了最大的適用性,可利於所有應用。例如:上傳檔案到自己的網頁伺服器,或傳送到 YouTube 這類影音內容傳遞網絡,此外,您不需要再進行格式轉碼,就可直接將這些影音檔案匯入到大多數的影音創作工具中加以編輯。

以 HDMI 連接

不管訊號來自攝影機、導播影音切換台、訊號轉換器或是電腦訊號,「魔納盒」的 HDMI 輸出,讓監控錄影串流成為一件簡單的事務。其有 8 個嵌入式音訊頻道可被處理與輸出。有 2 個 1/8" jack 立體聲音孔,是帶有 Loop Out 功能的音訊輸入頻道。

以 HDMI 連接

功能強悍的「魔納盒」,提供簡單只要按一下就開始串流、錄影的按鈕,低功耗,有一個可鎖定的電源接頭,並採無風扇式設計。您能夠很簡單地將他安放於桌上,而三個「魔納盒」組在一起,可放入機櫃的 1RU 空間。其軟體是建構在受保護的嵌入式 Linux 作業系統中的,所以幾乎零風險,不會遇到不可預期的程式自動更新或是受到第 3 方伺服器改變資料之風險。


不論您是提供現場直播影音內容給 Flash 伺服器或是 VOXEL iTV Cloud 網路電視雲伺服器,或其他影音內容傳遞網絡,碩方的「魔納盒」對網際網路串流協定,提供了非常彈性的支援,因此可以滿足各種作業需求。他的預設編碼非常好用,可讓您依據實際頻寬選出最合適的解析度,串流編碼的參數值只需輸入一次,即可存成專屬的 Profile 參數簡要檔,當然也可以儲存多種 Profile 參數簡要檔,以適用於各種不同環境,每個 Profile 參數簡要檔都可即時載入,因此無須每次重新輸入參數。


「魔納盒」可讓您自由選擇各式各樣的儲存設備,當可攜性是重要時,則使用 USB 拇指碟或 USB 硬碟,當需要更安全而簡潔的方案時,SD 卡可能是您的最佳選擇。另外,如果需要多人存取這些素材時,則採用電腦網絡磁碟機,理應較適合。無論您要將錄影素材儲放在何處,控制錄影的動作都可以執行,而且不影響串流的操作。高品質影片檔案錄製是隨時都可被達成的,縱使在串流的時候又希望錄製畫質充足的影片資產。


不只要進入簡單的網頁,就可以輕易駕御這強力的「魔納盒」。您可使用網路上的任何設備,只要他有標準網頁瀏覽器,就可控制並設定這設備。在控制網頁當中,主 IP 的廣播串流預覽窗也嵌入在其中。一個「魔納盒」設備可以擔任為 Master 主控設備,而對應到多個 Slave Devices 從屬設備。並且從單一網頁,您就可以同時對四個「魔納盒」設備進行啟動錄影或是串流等動作。

編碼和錄制 SDI 訊號

媒體專業人士和電視臺的製作人員經常需要使用來自交換器 Switcher、路由器 Router 和攝影機 Camera 等的沒有 HDMI 輸出的設備的 SDI 訊號。魔納盒 Matrox Monarch HD 可以使用 Matrox MC-100 編碼和錄制這些訊號,Matrox MC-100 是一臺雙 SDI 到 HDMI 轉換器。這臺轉換器接受任何 HD-SDI 或 3G-SDI 源訊號並將其轉換為 HDMI 訊號,如果解析度支持,可用作 魔納盒 Matrox Monarch HD 訊號來源。

Matrox Monarch Monarch HD Monarch HDX Monarch LCS
HDMI Input 1 1 2
HDMI Preview Output 1 1 1
SDI Input No 1 1
SDI Output No 1 1
Closed Captioning No Yes No
Pairing to YouTube and Facebook Live Yes Yes No
Frame Synchronizer on Inputs No Yes Yes
Volume Mute No Yes Yes
Video Mixing No No Yes
Scheduling No No Yes
FTP/sFTP/CIF/NFS File Transfers No No Yes
Encoders (Configuration options)
Two Independent Channels: Streaming No Yes Yes
Two Independent Channels: Recording No Yes Yes
Simultaneous independent streaming and recording Yes * Yes Yes
H.264 Preview Stream of Input No Yes No
On Device Buttons Yes Yes Yes
Web Based UI Yes Yes Yes
Centralized Monitoring Tool No No Yes
HTTP Control API Yes Yes Yes
Crestron Module Yes Yes Yes
Auto-Configuration Modes Yes Yes Yes
RS-232 No Future release Future release

* For Monarch HD when streaming and recording 1080p30, content will not be independent. Same bitrate must apply.


📹Matrox Monarch HDX

Inputs and Outputs
Supported HDMI Video Input Progressive
1920x1080 @ 60/59.94/50/30/29.97/25/24/23.98 Frames per second
1280x720 @ 60/59.94/50 Frames per second

1920x1080i 29.97/25 Frames per second
HDMI Video Output Preview output of video input signal. Preview output is available when source is SDI or HDMI.

Note that when input is an SD SDI resolution, the HDMI preview output will show video windowboxed on an HD output.
Supported SDI Video Input Progressive
1920x1080 @ 60/59.94/50/30/29.97/25/24/23.98 Frames per second
1280x720 @ 60/59.94/50 Frames per second

1920x1080i @ 29.97/25 Frames per second
720x486i @ 29.97 Frames per second
720x576i @ 25 Frames per second

Compliant with SMPTE 259M/292M/424M (Level A) / 425M

Closed Captioning embedded in VANC of SD or HD SDI signals per SMPTE 334-1 or Captions found in Line 21 of SD signals per EIA-608 are embedded in the essence of H.264 as SEI NAL Units (CEA-608) as per SCTE 128-1 specification

SDI Video Output 0 frame latency passthrough of Input signal. Output is a clean distribution of SDI incoming signal. Hardware bypass relay present in SDI signal path is "closed" on power failure.
Audio Input Processes the first two channels of audio embedded in HDMI or SDI input signals.
Unbalanced analog stereo input via 1/8” (3.5mm) jack.
Line Level
Audio Output Passthrough of 8 channel of embedded audio channels in HDMI and SDI signals.
Unbalanced analog stereo output via 1/8” (3.5mm) jack—passthrough of input.
Line Level

Note that all outputs are active regardless of audio and video input selection.
Extra features Video Input Format is Auto-Detected in SDI and HDMI.
All outputs are active regardless of audio and video input selection.
Frame Synchronization
Frame Synchronization The Monarch HDX contains frame synchronization circuitry designed to compensate for disruptions of the input signal. This circuitry is in place for both SDI and HDMI inputs. Streaming and recording operations will proceed cleanly with repeated or dropped frames.
H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10 (AVC) Video Encoder
Resolutions Selectable encoding resolutions ranging from:
128x128 to 1920x1080
Bit Rates Ranges Single Encoder - Streaming mode: 20 Mbps
Single Encoder - Recording mode: 30 Mbps
Dual Encoder - Maximum of 10 Mbps for streaming channels
Maximum of 30 Mbps combined for both channels
Encode Frame Rates Encode frame rates selection includes;
60/50, 30/25/24 and 15/12.5.

Single Encoder – Maximum of 1080p60 fps
Dual Encoder – Maximum of 720p60 fps or 1080p30 fps
Encoding Profiles Baseline, Main and High
Encoding Controls 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, 4.1 Level Support
GOP Size
Variable bit rate support
Average max/min data rate controls
Deblocking Filter
MPEG-4 AAC Audio Encoder
Standard AAC-LC
Sample Frequency 32, 44.1 and 48 kHz when digitized from an analog source
Channels 2 channels Stereo (L/R)
Bit Rates Range from 32 kbps to 256 kbps

Note that audio codec settings are applied to both encoders.
  High Quality multi-tap 10 bit Down Scaler and De-Interlacer
Available to both streaming and recording operations
 H.264 Input preview Stream
Resolution 320x180
Average Bitrate 100-300 kbps
Stream Type RTSP

Note the preview encoder is automatically disabled when primary encoder resolution are at the max to ensure best streaming and/recording performance.
Recording File Format
File Type Industry Standard MP4 and MOV files with two channels of embedded AAC audio
Recording Lengths Maximum file length of 300 minutes—irrespective of storage type used. File splitting feature allows a user to record continuously for long periods by defining file segment sizes. The Monarch HDX will create these sequential file segments over the course of the recording operation without losing a single frame of video. File segment can have a length of 1 to 300 minutes.
Network Interfaces
Connector RJ45 providing 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet with Static or DHCP addressing
Protocols RTMP, RTSP/RTP
IPv4 Support
Unicast and Multi Unicast (number of clients may vary from 3 to 10)
User Interface
Computer Based control HTTP via standard PC or Mac web browser using Monarch HDX Command Center.
Physical Interface On Device push buttons for independent streaming and recording with Start/Stop control
Storage Types for File Recording
2 x USB 2.0 Support for NTFS (3.1) and FAT32 file system
The Monarch HDX will support writing to USB3 devices at USB2 speeds. Also note, there is a very high variability in the performance capabilities of “thumb” drives (even USB3 versions). Many are optimized for “read” operations while the Monarch HDX requires sustained “write” capabilities. For best results, Matrox recommends using powered USB drives. If small portable media is required, SD cards may be more suitable.
1 x SD card Slot Supports SD and SDHC cards. Only NTFS formatted SDXC cards are supported. (Class 10 highly recommended).
Network Mapped Drive Support for writing to shared folders in computers found on a network using Windows Share protocols (SMB v1) (suitable for Windows system) as well as NFS protocols (suitable for Mac and Linux systems).
Matrox Monarch HDX Command Center Web UI
Start Stop Controls These buttons are available at all times no matter where you navigate in the UI.
Status Page Provides relevant operational information concerning Status of Monarch HDX unit at that time including; Input video detection and resolution, State and configuration of Streaming operation, State and configuration of Recording operation, Error conditions, etc.
Control Page Multiple Monarch devices can be connected in a Master/Slave topology to allow for synchronized recording and streaming operations across multiple units via a single interface.
Record Settings Configuration of recording parameters set within this page. A number of presets are included which are selected based on post event use of the recorded asset. If file is to be uploaded for VOD purposes, a YouTube preset may be selected. If content is to be edited for high quality production, a higher bitrate preset may be preferable.
Streaming Settings Configuration of Streaming parameters performed on this page. The RTMP or RTSP credentials as well as encoding parameters are entered. Encoder presets have been included to quickly select an ideal encoder settings based on desired delivery resolution or bitrate. The loading of Flash Media Server XML configuration files is supported.
Administrative tools Device Naming, IP configuration, Date/Time settings and a variety of other tasks performed via this page.
Additional Tools Matrox provides PC or Mac based utilities to help detect the Monarch HDX Device on a particular Network (DHCP server required), to update Monarch HDX devices with latest firmware and to reboot the devcies remotely.
Dimensions Length (shell) - 5.6" (14.2cm), Length (shell +BNCs) - 6" (15.3cm), Width - 8.5" (21.6 cm),
Height (shell) - 1.4"(3.6cm), Height (Shell + pads) - 1.5" (3.81cm)
Weight 1.3 lbs, 0.6 kg
Operating conditions 32 to 104 deg. F (0 to 40 deg. C), 20 to 80% relative humidity (non-condensing)
  • Input: 9-24 volts
  • Connector: Din4
  • Total Power Consumption: 20-30 watts (42 max)
Power Supply
  • Line Voltage: 100-240 VAC
  • Frequency: 50-60 Hz
  • Input: External AC/DC adapter - IEC320-C14
  • DIN4 Locking Power Connector
Transport and Storage Max Operating Altitude: 3000 meters
Max Transport altitude: 12,000 meters
Storage Humidity 5 to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing)
  • EMI: FCC Class A, CE Mark Class A, ACMA C-Tick Mark, VCCI
  • Power-supply Safety : UL/CUL(UL60950-1), TUV-GS(EN60950-1), T-LICENSE(BS EN60950-1), CCC(GB4943.1-2011), PSE(J60950), SAA(AS/NZS60950-1), KC-MARK(K60950), S-MARK(IEC60950-1)
  • RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC
Warranty 2 years with free telephone support
Kit Contents
In the box
  • Matrox Monarch HDX device
  • Matrox Monarch HDX external power supply
  • IEC-C8 power cords (US, GB and EU)
 Ordering Information
MHDX/I Matrox Monarch HDX part number
MRCH/RACK/KIT Monarch Rack Mount Kit. Can fit up to two Monarch HDX units in a 1RU space.
PWR/SUP/MHDX Monarch HDX power supply unit. Does not include IEC-C8 power cord. These cables must be sourced locally.


📹Matrox Monarch HD

Inputs and Outputs
HDMI Video Input Progressive
1920x1080 @ 60/59.94/50/30/29.97/25/24/23.98 Frames per second
1280x720@ 60/59.94/50 Frames per second

1920x1080i 29.97/25 frames per second

Video Input Format is Auto-Detected
HDMI Video Output Preview output of video input signal. 2 Frame delay from input to output.
Audio Input Processes first two channels of audio embedded in HDMI input signal.
Unbalanced analog stereo input via 1/8” (3.5mm) jack.
Line Level
Audio Output Passthrough of all embedded audio channels in HDMI signal.
Unbalanced analog stereo output via 1/8” (3.5mm) jack – passthrough of input.
Line Level
H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10 (AVC) Video Encoder
Resolutions Selectable encoding resolutions ranging from:
128x128 to 1920x1080
Bit Rates Ranges Record Only Mode: 100 kbps to 30 Mbps
Stream Only Mode: 100 kbps to 20 Mbps

Independent Stream and Record Mode**:
     Recording: 100 kbps - 30 Mbps
     Streaming: 100 kbps - 10 Mbps
     Maximum combined total bitrate of 30 Mbps

**Note that when both streaming and recording resolutions are above 1280x720, the encode parameters must be identical for both processes. Completely Independent recording and streaming settings are available when either the streaming or the recording resolution is 1280x720 or below.
Encode Frame Rates Encode frame rates representing 1:1, ½ and ¼of the input frames rates are supported

Note that the maximum encode frame rate is 30 fps when encode resolution is 1920 x 1080
Encoding Profiles Baseline, Main and High
Encoding Controls 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, 4.1 Level Support
GOP Size and Structure
Variable bit rate support
Average max/min data rate controls
Deblocking Filter
MPEG-4 AAC Audio Encoder
Standard AAC-LC
Sample Frequency 32, 44.1 and 48 kHz when digitized from analog source
Channels 2 channels Stereo (L/R)
Bit Rates Range from 32 kbps to 256 kbps
  High Quality multi-tap 10 bit Down Scaler and De-Interlacer.
Available to both streaming and recording operations.
Recording File Format
File Type Industry Standard MP4 and MOV files with two channels of embedded AAC audio.
Recording Lengths Maximum file length of 300 minutes - irrespective of storage type used. File splitting feature allows a user to record continuously for long periods by defining file segment sizes. The Monarch HD will create these sequential file segments over the course of the recording operation without losing a single frame of video. File segment can have a length of 1 to 300 minutes.
Network Interfaces
Connector RJ45 providing 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet with Static or DHCP addressing
Protocols RTMP, RTSP/RTP
IPv4 Support
Unicast and Multi Unicast (number of clients may vary from 3 to 10)
User Interface
Computer Based control HTTP via standard PC or Mac web browser using Matrox Command Center. The simple Monarch HD Control API is also available to programmers to create their own application to start and stop the Monarch HD.
Physical Interface On Device push buttons for independent streaming and recording Start/Stop control
Storage Types for File Recording
2 x USB 2.0 Support for NTFS (3.1) and FAT32 file system
The Monarch HD will support writing to USB3 devices at USB2 speeds. Also note, there is a very high variability in the performance capabilities of “thumb” drives (even USB3 versions). Many are optimized for “read” operations while the Monarch HD requires sustained “write” capabilities. For best results, Matrox recommends using powered USB drives. If small portable media is required, SD cards may be more suitable.
1 x SD card Slot Supports SD and SDHC cards. Only NTFS formatted SDXC cards are supported. (Class 10 highly recommended).
Network Mapped Drive Support for writing to shared folders in computers found on a network using Windows Share protocols (SMB v1) (suitable for windows system) as well as NFS protocols (suitable for Mac and Linux systems).
Matrox Command Center Web UI
Status Page Provides relevant operational information concerning Status of MonarchHD unit at that time including; Input video detection and resolution, State and configuration of Streaming operation, State and configuration of Recording operation, Error conditions, etc.
Control Page Recording and Streaming operations initiated here including Synchronized start/stop operations. Multiple Monarch devices can be synchronized in a Master/Slave topology to allow for synchronized record and streaming operations across multiple units via a single interface.
Record Settings Configuration of recording parameters set within this page. A number of presets are included which are selected based on post event use of the recorded asset. If file is to be uploaded for VOD purposes, a YouTube preset may be selected. If content is to be edited for high quality production, a higher bitrate preset may be preferable.
Streaming Settings Configuration of Streaming parameters performed on this page. The RTMP or RTSP credentials as well as encoding parameters are entered. Encoder presets have been included to quickly select an ideal encoder settings based on desired delivery resolution or bitrate. The loading of Flash Media Server XML configuration files is supported.
Administrative tools Device Naming, IP configuration, Date/Time settings and a variety of other tasks performed via this page.
Additional Tools Matrox provide PC or Mac based utilities to help detect Monarch HD Device on a particular Network (DHCP server required).
Dimensions 5.60 in. long (14.2 cm)
4.30 in. deep (10.9 cm) excluding inserted SD-CARD
4.40 in. deep (11.2 cm) including inserted SD-CARD
1.22 in. (3.1 cm) high including rubber feet
Weight 0.66 lbs (300 grams) excluding power supply
Operating conditions 32 to 104 deg. F (0 to 40 deg. C), 20 to 80% relative humidity (non-condensing)
  • Line Voltage: 100-240V AC, 0.5A
  • Frequency: 50-60 Hz
  • Input: External AC/DC adapter - IEC320-C8
  • Output: +5VDC, 3A max
  • Total power consumption: 15 Watts
  • DIN4 Locking Power Connector
Transport and Storage Max Operating Altitude: 3000 meters
Max Transport altitude: 12,000 meters
Storage Humidity 5 to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing)
  • FCC Class B, CE Mark Class B, ACMA C-Tick Mark, VCCI
  • RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC
Warranty 2 years with free telephone support
Kit Contents
In the box
  • Matrox Monarch HD device
  • Matrox Monarch HD external power supply
  • IEC-C8 power cords (US, GB and EU)
Ordering Information
MHD/I Matrox Monarch HD part number
MHD/MC100/KIT Monarch HD and Matrox MC-100 Dual SDI to HDMI convertor combo kit
MRCH/RACK/KIT Monarch Rack Mount Kit. Can fit up to three Monarch HD units in a 1RU space.
PWR/SUP/MHD Monarch HD power supply unit. Does not include IEC-C8 power cord. These cables must be sourced locally.


關鍵字 : #tricaster. #characterworks.#NDI.#vcw.#CG.#subtitle.

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